Volunteer to Help Keep First Night SOMA Alive for the Community

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After a hiatus, First Night SOMA returned two years ago to much acclaim and high attendance. The events attracted nearly 1,000 people each year to enjoy a huge array of family-friendly activities at Columbia High School.

Now, the time has come for the organizers to pass the torch to new leaders. “In order to keep the event fresh, we need new blood to take on the leadership to plan and deliver the best New Years Eve Party in town,” said Michael Goldberg, President, First Night Maplewood South Orange.

The committee is seeking people to take ownership of the event, which includes finding and hiring entertainers, coordinating the logistics for the location, working with food vendors, doing publicity, securing fundraising, etc. While the bulk of the work happens near the end of the year, there is planning work that needs to happen soon if First Night is to return again this year.

“First Night will NOT happen, unless people step forward to take over the leadership and planning for the event,” said Goldberg.

For more information or to discuss further, please contact Goldberg directly at mgoldberg@verizon.net.





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