Breaking: New York Giant Zak DeOssie Is an Awesome Guy

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Zak DeOssie outside St. James's

If you were at St. James’s Gate Publick House in Maplewood last night, you learned a few things.

First, Maplewood resident and WABC-TV news anchor Michelle Charlesworth is beautiful both inside and out. Second, Maplewood loves the Vayas family. Third, Zak DeOssie of the New York Giants (married to Maplewood native Kate Hammond) is a prince of a guy.

There were other takeaways as well from the fun-filled Bogey Night at The Gate that served as a “tee-off” to the upcoming AV Hero Fund Golf Event scheduled for Monday, June 13, 2016 at the Maplewood Country Club. The evening featured special guest bartenders including Charlesworth, local chef Jesse Jones, Grapes Unwrapped star Hank Zona, DeOssie and more. (Photos coming soon!)

But let’s get back to DeOssie.

Meredith Crane tries on Zak DeOssie's Super Bowl rings

Meredith Crane tries on Zak DeOssie’s Super Bowl rings

The 31-year-old two-time Super Bowl champion spent hours at The Gate — well beyond his allotted 30-minute guest bartending gig. Not only was he generous in posing with fans for selfies (as was Charlesworth), but he let everyone and anyone try on his two Super Bowl rings.

Maplewood-born-and-bred Meredith Crane was one of the lucky beneficiaries of DeOssie’s largesse. Good thing Meredith is an athlete herself — those rings are heavy! In addition, they’re very valuable; DeOssie said he cracked them out of his safe deposit box just for the night.

DeOssie, like Charlesworth, was also very humble and down to earth and had no problem sharing the guest “celebrity” bartender duties with lesser luminaries (such as this hyperlocal publisher).

Super Bowl Rings

The AV Hero Fund was established by the Vayas family to honor and celebrate the life of Angelo Vayas, who died last year. The organization will carry on Angelo’s legacy and spirit of community service by raising awareness of brain cancer and assisting local families in need.

The AV Hero Fund Golf Outing on June 13 is expected to attract more than 200 people for a full day of eating, mingling and camaraderie. Participants can attend the event to golf, enjoy just dinner, or go for the whole nine yards with a full day of tennis, swimming, golfing, lunch and dinner. Sponsorships are available at many different levels.

For more information about the golf outing, including how to purchase tickets and sponsorships or to donate to the cause, visit the AV Hero Fund’s website or Facebook page.

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