The Community Relation Committee of the Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest organized a press conference to launch a photo exhibit, “NJ Soul of Hunger: The Hidden Reality of Hunger among Seniors and the Disabled.”
The program featured New Jersey Anti-Hunger Coalition, AARP, NJ Foundation for the aging, Community FoodBank of NJJN, Rabbi Cooper of Bobrow Kosher Pantry, Assemblywoman Sheila Oliver, CRC, Mazon – Jewish response to hunger, and a senior who took pictures of her experience.
The Jewish Family Services of MetroWest and Central helped create the exhibit that was sponsored by the NJ Anti-Hunger Coalition. More than 1 million people in NJ are food insecure. Almost 900,000 receive SNAP (the supplemental nutrition assistance program), but only 34% of hungry seniors receive SNAP. The conference provided an insight and awareness of hunger insecurity in our community and ways that residents can work together to bring about meaningful change.

Opening of photo exhibit “NJ Soul of Hunger: the hidden reality of hunger among seniors and the disabled.” at JCC MetroWest