Maplewood Garden Club Presents Talk on Gardening with Native Plants 2/6

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The following is from The Maplewood Garden Club

On Monday, February 6, at 7:30 pm at Maplewood Memorial Library, 51 Baker Street, join The Maplewood Garden Club for a talk by Marc Montefusco, Director of Horticulture at Reeves-Reed Arboretum. Montefusco will introduce us to some of his favorite native species, any of which could find a place in your landscape.

The tremendous interest in native plants for residential gardens is very sound from an ecological standpoint. However, some gardeners view the prospect of a predominantly native garden with some regrets.  What about all those spectacular trees and shrubs from Asia and Europe?  Do we have to sacrifice visual excitement for good stewardship?  Fortunately for gardeners and the environment, the answer is no.  Stunning new forms of native American plants are being introduced all the time, and the best of them inspire admiration in gardeners around the world.

Learn more about the Summit, NJ arboretum at www.reeves-reedarboretum,org.

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