Christmas Eve & Day Services 2016 in South Orange, Maplewood & Millburn

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St. George's, Maplewood

St. George’s, Maplewood

Locals looking to celebrate Christmas in the most traditional of ways have several options in Maplewood and South Orange where Christian churches offer welcoming environments to parishioners and non-parishioners alike. Choose from children’s pageants to live nativities to candlelit services to jazz mass and midnight mass — or celebrate them all!

Newbridge Church at The Woodland, 60 Woodland Road, Maplewood, NJ

“Newbridge church”, a modern non-denominational Christian church, will have a contemporary Christmas Eve service at the Woodland at 7 p.m. Children and adults are will welcome. Hot chocolate and candy canes will be served. Original Christmas carol singing in a contemporary arrangement. The entire community is welcome! @newbridgesoma on Instagram.

Following up on Sunday Children’s Concert and Monday’s night Christmas Solace musical event, St. Joe’s will hold Christmas Eve (Dec. 24) Mass at 5 p.m. and midnight. On Christmas Day, mass will be celebrated at 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

The 5 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass will include cantor and trumpets. Midnight mass will feature the adult choir and trumpets. The 9 a.m. Christmas Day (Dec. 25) Mass will include children’s choir and trumpets; 11:30 a.m. will feature the adult choir and trumpets.

Morrow Memorial United Methodist Church, 500 Ridgewood Rd, Maplewood, NJ

Morrow will host one of the loveliest — and, yes, adorable — events of Christmas with its Live Nativity at 4 p.m. on Christmas Eve. Parish children and real manger animals are featured. The Live Nativity is followed by a Christmas Eve Worship for Families service at 5 p.m., Christmas Eve “Lounge” Service at 7 p.m. and Christmas Even “Traditional” Service at 11 p.m.

The Episcopal Church of St. Andrew & Holy Communion, 160 W. South Orange Ave, South Orange, NJ

St. Andrew & Holy Communion will begin its Christmas Eve Services with a Children’s Service at 4:00 PM, JAZZ SERVICE AT 8:00 PM, and CHORAL MUSIC AND MIDNIGHT MASS AT 10:30 PM.
CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICES include MASS AT 8:00 a.m. AND 10:30 AM and
NEW YEARS DAY SERVICES include MASS AT 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.

Prospect Presbyterian Church, 646 Prospect Street, Maplewood, NJ

Prospect Church will celebrate with a Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols at 7:30 p.m. which includes a beautiful Service of Light. A Christmas Day Service will take place at 10:30 a.m.

Our Lady of Sorrows, 217 Prospect Street, South Orange, NJ


  • 4:30 PM  –  Family Mass with Children’s Choir (St. Cecilia Singers)
  • 7:30 PM  –  Carol Mass with Organ
  • 9:30 PM  –  Candlelight Carol Concert
  • 10:00 PM  –  Solemn Concelebrated Mass with Procession to the Crib, Parish, Choir, Canticum
    Novum Singers, Organ, and Brass Ensemble.


  • 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM    Carol Masses with Organ
  • 11:00 AM                 Festival Mass with Parish Choir and Organ
  • 12:30 PM                 Carol Mass with Organ

Please note on Saturday, December 24th there will be 1 daily mass at 9:00 am in the Chapel.

St. George’s Episcopal Church, 550 Ridgewood Rd, Maplewood, NJ

St. George’s offers a Family Service with Children’s Pageant at 4 p.m. on Christmas Eve and Prelude Christmas Concert at 9:30 p.m. leading into the 10 p.m. Candlelit Service with Eucharist, which itself is followed by a potluck reception (bring your own champagne!) in parish hall afterward. Worshippers should come early to find seating as the Christmas Eve events tend to be crowded.

St. George’s celebrates Christmas Day with a 10:30 a.m. service, with music and the Eucharist.

First Baptist Church, 103 Valley Street, South Orange, NJ

First Baptist Church of South Orange holds Sunday services as follows:

Hour of Power – 7:30AM
Mid-Morning Worship – 9:45AM
Late Morning Worship – 11:30AM

Wyoming Presbyterian Church, 432 Wyoming Avenue, Millburn, NJ

CHRISTMAS EVE: Saturday, December 24th
4:00 pm FAMILY WORSHIP with our annual pageant and Children’s Choirs will sing
10:00 pm WORSHIP-A Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols
Communion will be celebrated.
CHRISTMAS DAY: Sunday, December 25th
A Come-As-You-Are celebration of the birth of our Savior!

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 119 Main Street, Millburn, NJ

St. Stephen’s Church in Millburn will celebrate:

  • Saturday, December 24th at 5:00pm – Family service with Pageant
  • Saturday, December 24th at 10:30pm – Candlelight Service
  • Sunday, December 25th at 10:00am – Christmas Day Service
  • Sunday, January 1st at 10:00am – Christmas Lessons and Carols

Seton Hall University Immaculate Conception Chapel, 400 South Orange Ave, South Orange, NJ

Seton Hall welcomes the greater community to celebrate Christmas Vigil Mass on Christmas Eve at 5 p.m. at the chapel of the Immaculate Conception at Seton Hall University. (Not confirmed; will update shortly.)


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Merry Christmas!

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