District Looking to Appoint New Maplewood Middle School Principal by July 18

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The South Orange-Maplewood School District will be interviewing candidates next week for the position of principal at Maplewood Middle School. According to Assistant Superintendent for Administration Kevin Walston, the district administration is hoping to have a candidate to recommend to the Board of Education for approval at its July 18 meeting.

District Spokeswoman Suzanne Turner confirmed that “the first round of interviews for the new MMS Principal will take place on Monday 7/11 andTuesday 7/12.”

The middle school is in need of a new building leader after the surprise resignation of Principal Jerrill Adams on June 20. Adams’ name was added to the list of resignations on the June 20 Board of Education agenda just hours before that meeting. Adams resigned despite having his contract extended by the district.

After weeks of speculation, Adams finally sent a letter of farewell to the Maplewood Middle School community today, saying that he was in the midst of a “transition into a new administrative role.” District spokeswoman Suzanne Turner confirmed that that administrative role is not within the South Orange-Maplewood School District. However, Turner said she did not know where that transition is taking place. Adams has not yet responded to two emails requesting further information.

Read the full text of Adams July 5, 2016 email below:

Dear MMS Families,

I am writing to inform you that the 2015-2016 school year will be my last at MMS. It has been a pleasure to get to know your children over the past two years and I will cherish the opportunities I had to observe them learning and growing into responsible citizens. Our students are an intelligent, inquisitive, and talented group of learners who made coming to work each day rewarding. They will be sincerely missed!

Together, we have worked to enhance, expand, and create high quality educational experiences for your teens and pre-teens. I am most grateful for the partnership I had with our Home School Association (HSA), who worked tirelessly to support every effort I implemented in the school, particularly, those that met the social and emotional needs of our students. From school spirit week, to MMS Trivia Night and the school beautification committee, we were able to collaborate to improve the middle school experience for all students. Thank you for joining me during this journey and for advocating so fiercely for our students and our school! 

As I transition into a new administrative role, I will always remember and appreciate the strong support of the MMS parent community. The district is in the process of hiring a new principal, so in the interim, please reach out to veteran assistance principal, Mr. Louis Brown, atLbrown@somsd.k12.nj.us or call the main office at 973-378-3770, if you have any questions or concerns about scheduling, summer school, or the upcoming school year. 

Finally, I hope you and your family have a restful and rejuvenating summer. 

Thank you, again, for your commitment and dedication to making MMS a better place!

Jerrill M. Adams
Jerrill M. Adams

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