Letter to the Editor: Baker, Jones Committed to Communication

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To the Editor: 

We write in support of Maureen Jones and Elizabeth Baker for the Board of Education. 

This is a critical time for our district. We face mounting financial pressures, persistent federal and state mandates, changing standardized testing regimes, and turnover in our district’s administration. The Board members we elect this November will select the next superintendent and will be responsible for ensuring that this new administration works tirelessly to meet our community’s expectation of great teaching for every child in every classroom. 

Maureen and Elizabeth are parents of children in our schools, and they have demonstrated their dedication and leadership through extensive volunteer work in our PTAs and community. Their professional experience also is relevant, providing each with a unique perspective that will be valuable to the Board. Maureen is a speech pathologist and educator who has worked in public schools. She understands how stakeholders must collaborate to ensure that every child is engaged and supported.

Elizabeth is an attorney with experience in financial oversight, negotiation, and governance.

She will ensure that our budget and programs align with our priorities, that we maximize the  educational benefit of every dollar we spend, and that we learn from feedback in real time.

Perhaps most importantly, Maureen and Elizabeth are committed to making sure that board members, administration, teachers, and parents communicate consistently and effectively. They recognize that, going forward, we must work together to enable our schools to serve all of our students. We urge you vote for Maureen Jones and Elizabeth Baker for the South Orange Maplewood Board of Education on November 4.

Crystal Glynn and Tim Glynn
South Orange, NJ

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