All the School’s a Stage for SOMS Students at Shakespeare Festival

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IMG_8541South Orange Middle Schoolers participated in the school’s First Annual Shakespeare Mini-Festival on Monday. After being immersed in Shakespeare and his plays all month, students were ready and eager to show what learned. Parents were invited to attend.

The event was sponsored by the SOMS HSA and the SOMS Shakespeare Club, which is run by language arts teacher Megan Alloway.


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SOMS 1 Students participated in a school-wide costume contest, with students dressed as kings, queens, court jesters, Elizabethan dress, togas, poisoners, witches, etc. Voting took place during lunch and winners received a prize for most authentic costume.

Here’s a look at what students in the different grades were doing:

6th Graders

Each 6th Grade class participated in a Shakespeare Mini-Festival during their language arts class, performing scenes they had worked on during classroom workshops this month.IMG_8528

7th Graders

The 7th grade students participated in a workshop run by the New Jersey Shakespeare Company. It was a terrific opportunity for students to work with and be inspired by professional actors.

8th Graders

The 8th Graders are finishing their own Shakespeare Unit and were drilled by peer “Shakespeare Police.” Throughout the school day the Shakespeare Police stopped students and checked if they have a sonnet in their pocket — students who did got prizes.

Consider donating to the SOMS HSA so they can continue to support such rich and diverse activities for students and staff. Click HERE to donate.

Enjoy our photo gallery; all photos credit Marcia Worth and Carolyn Maynard-Parisi.

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