Survey: South Orange – Maplewood 2nd Education Summit, Dec 6

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The following is from the South Orange Maplewood School District

Education Summit

Tuesday, December 6, from 7pm-9:30 pm, South Orange Maplewood School District will host its second Education Summit at Columbia High School. The Summit is an opportunity members to voice their concerns about education in Maplewood & South Orange and through these conversations, the district will develop its Strategic Plan.

If you plan on joining, please complete this very brief survey to let the district know which topic(s) you plan to participate in at the Summit. The event does not require registration, but filling out the survey helps with planning purposes.  You can also reserve a free childcare spot either on the survey or by emailing [email protected].

A year ago at the first Education Summit, more than 1,500 community members joined together to share ideas, concerns and hopes for the future of our schools.

Now, so much work has been done to take the vision and priorities set by our community and develop a new Strategic Plan to guide our District going forward.  Action Planning Teams of volunteers from across the community have spent hundreds of hours developing initiatives to help SOMSD achieve the 9 strategies set by our Strategic Direction Committee.  All of these ideas have grown organically out of the themes we heard from the community at last year’s Summit.  We want to share their plans with you!

The evening will begin in the auditorium with a brief orientation with Superintendent Dr. John J. Ramos, Sr.

Participants will then choose to attend up to three break-out sessions and hear directly from members of the Action Planning Teams about the initiatives they are proposing as the first steps in bringing SOMSD closer to our mission.

In the meantime, you can get an overview of the Action Plans by watching the November 21st presentation to the Board of Education.

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