The Village Green is committed to covering everything that is going in our towns. You get the news and information that helps you spend your dollars, vote your consciences, and have a great time.
Like Mary, Carolyn, and so many other contributors who make The Village Green a vital service for you, I am a local reporter who loves local news. But I also am a sports parent and coach. I love what sports does for the kids in this community. So please help me spend a little time in the toy box.
Thousands of our kids play sports for our town, school, club, travel, and high-school teams and I will be helping to shepherd our coverage of these sports. We want to support our local high-school athletes (at Columbia High School and all the other high schools kids attend) and will report on big games, profile a variety of athletes, and keep you up-to-date on the schedule of events.
But these high-school athletes come from our remarkable youth programs and we need to recognize the efforts of organizers, parent-coaches, team parents, and, of course, kids. I can’t be everywhere, so I will need your help to keep a handle on the many games and pieces of news coming from your teams. You all can be the eyes, ears —and lenses —for sharing what is happening on the fields and courts as the student athletes chase their sporting dreams.
Have photos of the most recent soccer/baseball/softball/lacrosse/basketball/football/track/ultimate frisbee game? News about looming registrations, parent-volunteer clean-up days, or any other information? Please send them to [email protected] and we will get them onto the site as quickly —with as much information — as possible. Here’s a simple list of things to include:
Details about event
Names of kids in the photo
Thanks in advance for your support of The Village Green. Your input will help up populate the site with images of active kids enjoying their games!