The playground would have components that address physical, cognitive, social, sensory, emotional and other needs and could be used by children, adults and seniors.
Maplewood Township Committee
After 30 Years as a Maplewood Neighbor, Nancy Adams Becomes 2nd Woman to Serve as Mayor
by Donny Levitby Donny LevitSince moving here in 1989, Adams has played pivotal roles as an environmental activist, a champion of economic redevelopment, and even named one of Maplewood’s best-known neighborhoods.
Maplewood Deputy Mayor Jamaine Cripe Statement on Ceasefire Vigil Comments
“For all who were hurt by my words, I sincerely apologize. … At the same time … to even hint that I would support Hamas … is a brutal punch to the gut and proof that you know nothing about who I am.”
“Our Maplewood is not perfect, but it sure as hell is better than almost anywhere else. Go Maplewood!”
Dafis Steps Down as Mayor But Affirms ‘Commitment to Serve’ on Committee
Dafis was sworn in for his 3rd term on the Committee: “Let us embark on this new term united in purpose, driven by a collective desire to make Maplewood Township the best it can be.”
The following remarks were made by former Maplewood Mayor Victor De Luca upon his…
Maplewood Reports Increased Diversity on Municipal Boards & Committees
by Lela Mooreby Lela Moore“We still have some room to grow, but all the trends are going in the right direction,” said Township Committee member Vic De Luca.
GovernmentMaplewoodPolice and FireTransportation
Lightning Brook Residents Ask Maplewood Committee to Limit Tractor-Trailer Access to Their Streets
by Lela Mooreby Lela MooreWant to know what is happening in your community? WE MAKE IT EASY! Try…
Maplewood Deputy Mayor Engel Calls for Unity Following TC Member’s Ceasefire Rally Comments
“What Ms. Cripe and I have talked about … is to put together small group listening sessions or moderated conversations where we can come together and talk through these issues and learn skills for civil discourse.”
Maplewood TC Passes Proclamation Condemning Antisemitism and Islamophobia
by Lela Mooreby Lela Moore“We remain committed to being an open, safe, welcoming bridge over painful, troubling currents and between opposing opinions, politics, and feelings toward community unity,” the resolution reads.