Mayor Nancy Adams asked Township Administrator Patrick Wherry to make a recommendation on a budget line for the coordinator position, and raised the possibility that the proposed budget line could be reduced versus eliminated. Wherry will be presenting the 2025 budget to the Township Committee at its April 1 meeting
Vic DeLuca
The compensation for Township Committee members would increase from $5,000/year to $10,000/year.
NJ American Water to Expedite Lead Line Replacement in Maplewood
by Lela Mooreby Lela MooreNJAW wants to have 4 crews working simultaneously in 4 parts of town starting in April. A public meeting will be held April 2 at 7:30 p.m. — both in person at Town Hall & via Zoom. “We just found out about it last week,” said Township Admin. Patrick Wherry.
Per Township Committee member Vic DeLuca, “The concept is to create two soccer fields and remove the softball field.” Presentations will be made by representatives from Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc., the consultant engineers engaged by the Township.
GovernmentMaplewoodPolice and FireSchools / Kids
New Student-Led Maplewood Middle School Drop-Off Solution Starts Monday, March 24
During a short window each morning (TBD), Burnet will be one-way off Baker (heading toward Pierson Rd); Maple will be one-way off Burnet & Salter (heading toward Dunnell and RR tracks) and Dunnell will be one-way off Maple (heading toward Baker). Barricades with “Do Not Enter” signs will be placed at Burnet & Maple and Dunnell & Baker, and a barricade with a “No Right Turn” sign will be placed on Salter & Maple.
The Maplewood Township Committee read two proclamations honoring International Transgender Day of Visibility and its founder Rachel Crandall Crocker.
Maplewood senior citizens celebrated an early start to St. Paddy’s Day on March 12…
The Maplewood Rotary Club has announced that it will bestow its Citizenship Award on…
BusinessDevelopmentFood & WellnessMaplewood
Maplewood Leaders Discuss Expanded Zoning on Newark Way to Continue Area’s ‘Glow-Up’
by Lela Mooreby Lela MooreIndoor agriculture, food production, makerspaces, art galleries and studios, and retail sales (limited to products made on site) were listed as possible uses by Committee member Dean Dafis, if zoning in the area were expanded.
DevelopmentHistoric PreservationMaplewood
Work Stopped on 21 Highland Place as Maplewood Officials Investigate Demolition
The demolition comes after the Township Committee passed an ordinance last June changing the process by which demolition permits are reviewed and approved, in an effort to limit tear-downs of residential properties that might have historical value.