From Maplewood Mayor Victor DeLuca via Facebook:
I was honored to proclaim LGBT Month in Maplewood at the North Jersey Pride Festival. Let us remember our brothers and sisters in Orlando and stand strong against bigotry and hate anywhere across our country.
WHEREAS, Maplewood is a welcoming and inclusive community that takes great pride in being a diverse place to live and raise a family; and
WHEREAS, we celebrate the victories won such as the landmark Supreme Court decision guaranteeing marriage equality across the nation, and the laws and regulations preventing bullying and harassment; and
WHEREAS, despite the progress of the past few years, LGBT people continue to face prejudice and discrimination and are prevented from enjoying all the freedoms and rights as Americans; and
WHEREAS, Maplewood will continue to join the struggle to defend and advance dignity and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender brothers and sisters across the globe;
NOW THEREFORE, I, Victor De Luca, Mayor, on behalf of the Township Committee of the Township of Maplewood do hereby proclaim June 2016, as:
in the Township of Maplewood, and call upon the residents of our community to celebrate Maplewood’s diversity, speak out for tolerance, justice, and dignity for all people, and work together to eliminate prejudice based on sexual orientation