Good Bottle Refill Celebrates 5 Years in Business with Discounts and Party on Saturday, September 7

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From Good Bottle Refill Shop:

Good Bottle Refill Shop, located at 1875 Springfield Ave., is celebrating 5 years in business this month! Good Bottle broke ground as the first refill shop in the Garden State, opening the door for many New Jerseyians who were looking to reduce waste and eliminate single use plastic.

Deanna Taylor-Heacock started this business renting space at the General Store Shops and Cafe alongside other local entrepreneurs and found it to be the perfect location to start the refill revolution in New Jersey. Named New Jersey Family’s Mompreneur of the year, Deanna was able to stay open during the pandemic, delivering to all her customers when the shop had to close for 3 months. 

What is a refill shop you ask? It’s a place you can bring your own containers and fill up on all your household essentials. Not only that, you can shop their wide assortment of sustainable products and gifts that are meant to replace products typically made out of plastic. 

Why Refill instead of Recycle? Well, only 6% of our plastic actually gets recycled and some even gets shipped to other countries. That’s exactly why Deanna opened Good Bottle – it was weighing on her mind as she tossed a plastic dish soap bottle into the recycling bin every month. Good Bottle supports a circular economy, sending back the barrels and buckets to the supplier so they get reused and refilled.

Good Bottle has been embraced by the community and has a cult-like following from refillers all over the state. Their social media has brought reusing and refilling, a generally niche way of living, into the mainstream with their tips and hacks that everyone can do. 

Join Good Bottle’s 5 year celebration and find out how you can refill instead of landfill this weekend when they offer 15% off the entire shop this Saturday & Sunday. Don’t miss the party on Saturday, September 7 from 3pm-5pm with prosecco, cake, snacks and giveaways!! 

Deanna gives all the credit to the wonderful MapSO community for all their support and love. 

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