The Maplewood Township Committee officially launched Women’s History Month with a proclamation delivered by both current and former elected women and non-binary officials from South Orange and Maplewood.
The proclamation, read at Tuesday’s TC meeting, highlighted women’s struggles throughout history and the struggles they still hope to overcome now. It was led by Committeewoman Nancy Adams.
“It’s Women’s History Month, so kicking it off today with such an awesome proclamation was really heartwarming for me,” Adams said.

Women’s History Month proclamation, Maplewood TC, March 2, 2021
Adams also highlighted the website. The website features events, local women-owned businesses, and a book list cultivated by the South Orange Public Library and the Maplewood Memorial Library. SOMA Celebrates Women is also on Facebook and Instagram.
“Even though it’s virtual, we’ve got robust stuff going on and it’s been really great,” Adams said.
“This is a really important initiative for Maplewood,” Mayor Frank McGehee said. “As we reflect on the events of last year, Women’s History Month has taken a new meaning in 2021 with 55% of the jobs lost accounted for by women due to COVID-19. It has not only further exposed the pre-existing gender inequalities that continue to exist in our society, but the pandemic has deepened them. This cannot stand.”
Committee members highlighted events taking place throughout the month. McGehee will be moderating a panel called Women’s Self Care: Dismantling the Myths on Zoom on March 10 at 7 pm. First Lady Marie McGehee will be moderating a fireside chat with author and law professor Alexandra Carter on Zoom on March 24 at 7 pm.
To view more events, visit