Morrow member Andrea Wren-Hardin and First Friends program director Sally Pillay after dropping off furniture for the Syrian refugee family.
Last week, the Morrow Memorial United Methodist Church community in Maplewood sponsored a family of Syrian refugees seeking asylum in the U.S.
Many have asked how they can help the refugee family. The Rev. Brenda Wheeler Ehlers of Morrow provided the following information:
“We are hoping to get the family a head start on rent as they begin working, so we are trying to raise enough to cover the $1,500 month rent for six months. We are one-third of the way there,” wrote Ehlers in an email. “We are also looking for Arabic speaking volunteers.”
Those who wish to help can send financial donations to “Morrow Church” with the note “for the Syrian Refugee family” in the memo. Morrow Church is located at 600 Ridgewood Road, Maplewood, NJ 07040.
Ehlers explained that Morrow is also developing a ‘Circle of Friends’ — volunteers who are interested in supporting others resettling in the U.S.
Ehlers wrote: “If you would like to be a part of this group, or if you speak Arabic and would be willing to volunteer to work with a Syrian family, please contact Kathy Finch: klfinch@hotmail.com.”
In addition, Morrow Church has a group of volunteers who visit asylum seekers held in detention near Newark airport. To join that group, contact Dean Nielsen at dnielsen434@gmail.com.
Finally, Morrow Church has partnered with First Friends, an organization that supports asylum seekers by coordinating visits to those held in detention while their cases are being resolved and providing support to asylum seekers as they resettle in the U.S. Financial donations to First Friends can be made by visiting www.firstfriendsnjny.org. First Friends also accepts donations of Forever stamps so that asylum seekers can stay in touch with family members; Stamps can be dropped off to Morrow Church at the main office.
To find out more about Morrow Church and its programs and services, visit the church’s Facebook page here.