South Orange Seeks Feedback on Grant for Seton Village Neighborhood

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From the Township of South Orange Village:

South Orange Village is seeking feedback from people who live, work, shop and eat in Seton Village for the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs’  Neighborhood Preservation Program (NPP). The online survey will help determine the projects  and priorities designed to revitalize and rejuvenate the area located in and around the Irvington Avenue business corridor and boost economic growth.

Anyone who completes the survey and provides their email address will automatically be  entered into a contest to win a special package of goods and services from Seton Village  businesses.

In October, South Orange was awarded a 5-year NPP designation which includes an initial $125,000 grant to generate visible, tangible change in Seton Village driven by local residents  and business owners. It is anticipated that Seton Village will receive up to $125,000 a year for five years to assist with economic and community development. The online survey is one step  toward ensuring residents and business owners have the opportunity to provide valuable  input for the 5-year NPP Implementation Plan.

South Orange Village, under the leadership of recently hired local NPP Coordinator, Sally Unsworth, with the support of a local NPP Stakeholder Team will create an Implementation  Plan that combines significant community engagement, local knowledge, and hard data.

“We are thrilled to be able to use NPP grant funds to continue revitalization and improvement  efforts along Irvington Avenue and throughout the Seton Village community. We encourage  all South Orange residents to participate in the survey so that we can have as many voices  heard as possible when making decisions about how we allocate the funding” stated Unsworth. “The deadline for completing the survey, which is available in multiple languages, is  Friday, December 31st at 12 midnight. Go to to help  create a community-driven vision for the future of Seton Village.”

The survey can also be accessed using the below QR Code.

South Orange Village is among 40 communities throughout New Jersey to receive this  designation since NPP was revived in 2019 by Governor Phil Murphy and Lt. Governor Sheila  Oliver as part of their plan to create a stronger and fairer New Jersey. The goal is to increase  place, economic, civic and social value. It achieves this by enhancing buildings, streets and  a district’s entire physical realm, by supporting and coordinating small business recovery,  growth and sustainability, and by marketing district events and activities while also engaging  local stakeholders in planning and relationship building.

For more information, contact Sally Unsworth at [email protected].

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