LETTER: Herman Will Bring Thoughtful, Pragmatic & Empathetic Leadership to Maplewood

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Three candidates are running for two Maplewood Township Committee seats in 2024: incumbents Nancy Adams and Jamaine Cripe, and Malia Herman. The primary election is on Tuesday, June 4, 2024. The general election takes place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The deadline for submitting a Letter to the Editor for the Primary election is Tuesday, May 28, at 5 p.m. Read our Election Guidelines here. Read all of our Election Coverage here.

Over the last few years, we have seen the impact of presidential and congressional elections and the sea change in policy that they bring. So I know I’ll see most of my neighbors at our polling stations in November (wink and nudge hopefully not needed)! I’m here today to urge you to also show up for the contested Democratic primary on June 4th and to share why I’ll be voting for Malia Herman for Township Committee.

Local elections matter and can be easily impacted by a handful votes or abstentions. Maplewood is a heavily Democratic area, so the primary on June 4th will help determine which of the three candidates (vying for two seats) will be proceeding ahead to the general election. Contested primaries are a testament to the power of choice.

I’m proud to endorse Malia Herman for Township Committee. I’ve known Malia to be a fierce champion for our town and our children. She was a vocal advocate throughout the pandemic during her tenure as SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) President. In particular, I was moved by her commitment to help all children who were being left behind by online and in-home learning for various reasons (mine included). Now, as SEPAC liaison for Maplewood Middle School, she has counseled countless families to get the extra help they deserve to thrive in our schools.

I’ve worked with her closely during our volunteer work with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense (at tabling events, Wear Orange campaigns and to lobby our congressional officials). Her actions are a clear example of stepping up on an issue of critical importance, even when it felt daunting to do so.

As a former White House reporter, Malia is guided by facts, balanced, practical, and not afraid to do research. I’ve seen this approach as she lobbies for playable sports fields, equal opportunities for female athletes (vis a vis their male counterparts), and access to our community pool. Indeed, during our time together volunteering on the Pool Committee she worked hard to get a summer trial of Weekend Only passes for working families. I also appreciate that she takes fiscal accountability seriously. As one of the highest taxed areas across the country, it’s crucial that we use our tax dollars wisely and audit how the Long Range Facilities Plan is being executed. I can always trust Malia to be actively listening, asking relevant questions and advocating on issues that matter in our town.

For these reasons and because of the strength of her character and work ethic, I am proud to vote for Malia Herman for Township Committee on June 4th. I know that she will bring the thoughtful, pragmatic and empathetic leadership that we need in Maplewood.

Reshma Ketkar
Maplewood, NJ

Ketkar is a volunteer of the Malia Herman for Township Committee campaign.

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