2nd Annual Mapso Family Follies Talent Show to Hold Auditions on October 9 at the Woodland

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From the Maplewood Division of Arts and Culture (this story was first published on September 25, 2024):

Poster design: Craig Stout

The MAPSO FAMILY FOLLIES was such a smashing success, we’re doing it again—and hopefully, this time with you! Save-the-date for this year’s sold-out, standing-room-only, smiling and cheering crowd at The Woodland on Thursday, November 21st. Start those wheels turning, you’ve got time (auditions are October 9th). Join creative forces with your siblings, two best friends, or your grandma—the FOLLIES loves multi-generational acts. Do you work at a local business? Gather employees together and sing! Have you rehearsed an act for a school performance? Great, do that! The more the merrier, we always say, and the more creative, the better. This isn’t a contest but a community talent show. It’s low-key, old-timey fun!  

Photo credit: Lisa Whiteman Lens

Last year’s FOLLIES acts were heartwarmingly awesome: a mother/son, father/daughter, and father/son duos, with fabulous group acts in between. We had jugglers, comics, a tap dancer, poet, a chicken suit, and a magician. We had world class musicians and dancers who would knock your socks off! This year, we want you up there, too. The rules are strictly enforced: ages 9 – 99, no solo acts, and no act longer than 3 minutes. (So the show moves along.) Our motto is: “Have fun!”

FOLLIES AUDITIONS will be held at The Woodland (60 Woodland Rd., Maplewood) Wednesday, October 9th, from 6-8pm (as well as an online submission option). Performers are invited to bring a 1-2 minute sample of a song, juggling, drag, stand-up, bird call, step routine, poetry, yodeling, acoustic/instrument playing, clogging, magic, opera, ribbon dance, tap dance, comedy improv, jazz trio, dog act, dramatic skit, balancing bit, or any other “talent” deemed entertaining. Maplewood, South Orange, and surrounding residents are welcome. No drum kits or amps—acoustic instruments only. No spiders and/or snakes please—and that’s no joke.  

Audition judges and talent will be mostly new, but if you were in last year’s FOLLIES, you can audition a new act with different co-performers. Maybe you’re a Broadway star who’s always wanted to try opera. Or an opera singer who dabbles in gymnastics on the side. This is your opportunity to showcase a lesser-known talent and reflect the untapped bravery in our community.  

Photo credit: Lisa Whiteman Lens

The MAPSO FAMILY FOLLIES was created by Lara Tomlin and will be made possible by the invaluable efforts and generous support of Zakiyyah Williams and Stacey Ross-Trevor of the Maplewood Division of Arts & Culture. Tori Chickering returns as director and co-producer together with local creative producer, Sybil Rodgers, who was our MVP stage-manager. There are so many brilliant artists and graphic designers in our two towns, the producers thought we should showcase a different vibe each year. This year’s poster design will be by Craig Stout, veteran creative director, graphic designer, and local Maplewoodian. Next year, it could be your turn! 

In addition to on-stage talent, the FOLLIES will need backstage peeps and event volunteers, plus a street team to put up flyers. If you’d like to be a part of the crew, please contact Tori Chickering: [email protected]. Details and FAQs are on our FOLLIES webpage: maplewoodartsandculture.org/follies

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