Coffeehouse — Not Chipotle — in the Works for Third & Valley

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chipotle poster

The Chipotle imposter has struck again.

Recently, a flier has been circulating in South Orange Village stating that Chipotle is coming to the new Third & Valley development, opening March 11, 2017.

South Orange Village Center Alliance Director Bob Zuckerman says that the fliers are false.

“Chipotle is NOT coming to 3rd and Valley as this poster suggests. Remember they tried the same stunt with the Gateway a couple of years ago. There’s obviously someone in South Orange who really really wants Chipotle to come here!”

While a Chipotle location would certainly be welcome in South Orange, Zuckerman notes that the Village already has fantastic Mexican food at Tito’s Burritos. Also, he is working with Third & Valley’s commercial broker to sign a coffeehouse/cafe at Third & Valley.

“Stay tuned!” said Zuckerman.

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