Are you a local business looking for a great way to get exposure in the community? Read on.
Sunday, October 12 is the date of the annual Springfield Avenue Parternship (SAP) HarvestFest. Now in its fourth year, HarvestFest takes place on the grounds of the Hilton Library and gazebo and runs — rain or shine — from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
HarvestFest 2014 will be bigger and better than ever, said Julie Doran, District Manager of the SAP. It celebrates the Fall with a day filled with music, children’s activities, vendors, local merchants, and delicious food.
Last year, over 500 people attended the event and many stayed for hours listening to music, shopping, and enjoying the festive atmosphere.
“HarvestFest is a great family friendly event that will provide local businesses and nonprofits with the opportunity to show their stuff to hundreds of local residents,” said Doran. “We are excited to make this event even bigger and better than last year. All vendors are welcome to apply.”
HarvestFest is heavily promoted in local and regional media, said Doran, via promotional posters, social media, the SAP website and ads in local media outlets (including on The Village Green!)
If you would like to have a booth at HarvestFest, visit the Springfield Avenue Partnership webpage for all the details. Contact Deb at Springfield Avenue Partnership ([email protected]) with any questions.
Booths can be had for as little as $50 for outside vendors; $35 for Springfield Avenue merchants, and $25 for non-profit organizations. The SAP will provide vendors with a table for an additional fee of $10.
The deadline to register is September 22.