On November 21, Springfield Avenue in Maplewood hosted a flurry of ribbon cuttings — a good sign for the local economy at the launch of the 2020 holiday season. The grand opening celebrations coincided with the first Saturday open-air market at Yale Corner. The newly opened businesses are:
- Raven’s Quill @ 1874 Springfield Avenue
- Marigold Dentistry @ 1713 Springfield Avenue
- ReMerch @ 1843c Springfield Avenue
Springfield Avenue Partnership Executive Director Nicole Wallace noted that ReMerch was “opened by two Maplewood residents and is just a gem of a store!” Village Green has previously profiled Raven’s Quill (read Donny Levit’s story here).
Maplewood Deputy Mayor Dean Dafis posted the following on the SOMA Lounge NJ Facebook page following the celebrations:
#shoplocalsoma chronicles:
During the downturn, three new local businesses celebrated their official openings with ribbon cuttings this afternoon, including the fabulous & witty REMERCH – 1843 Springfield Avenue, Maplewood. Hilton residents John [Estrada] & hubby Damian curate luxe home wares and quirky, fun side items featuring regional artists & artisans.#shoplocal not Amazon this holiday season.
Photos of ReMerch, courtesy of Dean Dafis: