Boy Scout Max Winters Donates 18 Bicycles to SOMSD Toy Drive

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Max Winters Eagle Scout Bicycles


Max Winters, a Columbia High School senior, will be making a lot of kids happy this holiday season. For his Eagle Scout project for Troop 5, Max elected to refurbish 48 bicycles for local children.

After soliciting bike donations through Facebook and other Internet sites, Max worked with fellow Scouts and adults involved with the troop to repair and clean the bikes, which are sized for preschoolers to fifth graders. He also raised $800 on a Go Fund Me to pay for a brand new helmets to go with each bicycle. The SOMSD Parenting Center Toy Drive will be distributing 18 of his bicycles; the rest will be donated to Greater Newark LifeCamp and the Boys and Girls Club of Trenton.

The Parenting Center Toy Drive is accepting donations at district schools through Friday, December 9 and at area retailers and other locations through December 11. Read more here.

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