Maplewood Library Closes to Reduce Spread of Covid-19, March 15

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From the Maplewood Public Library:

Maplewood Library will be closed to the public beginning Sunday, March 15. On Saturday The Hilton Branch will close to the public at 1 pm and the Main Library will close to the public at 5 pm. Saturday will be the last day that patrons can pick up holds or borrow materials.

We anticipate that we will be closed for two weeks; however, we will remain closed to the public as long as the SOMSD schools remain closed.

We know that our library serves as an important neighborhood hub and provides essential services to our patrons. However, given the large number of people of all ages who visit our buildings each day, it is in the best public interest that we remain closed at the present time.The decision is based on guidance from the Township governing body and the latest science available aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Please continue to return your checked-out items in the book drops. The book drop at Main Library is built into the brick wall on the parking lot side of the building. Hilton Branch has a stand-alone book drop in the parking lot. They will both be emptied daily.

Library cards due to expire during the shutdown are extended until April 30.

Online resources are available to Maplewood Library cardholders around the clock. eBooks and eAudiobooks, TV shows, magazines and movies, and language learning programs are accessible with your card. You can find them HERE.

You can find reliable and up-to-date information about the outbreak from these resources:

Johns Hopkins Corona Virus Resource Center

Centers for Disease Control

Maplewood Township

NJ Department of Health

World Health Organization


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