SOMA Shares Kids Winter Coat Drive Runs from Now Until December 17

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From SOMA Shares:

If you just finished your seasonal clothes switch out and noticed you have some extra jackets or other winter gear your kids have outgrown (or if you are a wiz at finding BOGO sales!) please pass them on to help keep our community warm. Anyone who doesn’t have coats to give but still wants to support this effort, can donate money. (Thank you to SOMA Justice for virtually hosting this collection effort!)

Collection Info:


Baby- teen sizes/styles of winter gear:

  • New or freshly laundered coats and boots
  • New hats, gloves and snow pants

Note, SOMA Shares is asking for only animal-friendly (no leather) practical, everyday wear (no wool) and very warm (no denim or other light materials) jackets please.


Drop-Off location is 6 Oberlin St in Maplewood


From now until Dec. 17

Distribution info:

There will be SOMA Shares Coats Days at several SOMSD schools in the coming weeks (dates to be announced).  SOMA Shares also works with the SOMSD Parenting Center and school social workers to get winter gear to families who need them. If you are in need of winter outerwear or know someone who is, please email: [email protected]

Any winter gear that is left over is shared with our neighbors at the Newark Water Coalition for distribution in the wider community. Last winter alone, SOMA residents generously contributed over 1,000 winter coats/gear.  This the 3rd year of the annual coat drive.

About SOMA Shares: SOMA Shares is a grassroots organization striving to meet the needs of students and their families across the entire South Orange Maplewood School District. SOMA Shares operates in partnership with and under the 501(c)3 non-profit umbrella of the Seth Boyden PTA and is supported and sustained by countless community members, including individual families and businesses across South Orange and Maplewood who act as collection points, and ongoing partnerships with the SOMSD PTAs and HSAs, SOMSD administrators, and community organizations.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions, requests for donations, or to volunteer at coat distribution events.

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