Letter: Zubieta’s Priorities Align with Needs of South Orange-Maplewood Schools

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Six candidates have filed to run for election to the 9-member South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education on November 3, 2020. Five people are vying for three full-term (3-year) open seats, while one incumbent, Kamal Zubieta, is running to complete the remainder of a term. Village Green is posting letters in support of local candidates campaigning for election. If you wish to submit a letter, read Village Green’s Election Guidelines here.

Kamal Zubieta

Dear Editor:

It is with deep sincerity that I support Kamal Zubieta for a one-year unexpired term on the Board of Education.

I have known Kamal and her family for over 15 years. She has extensive knowledge of what she is willing to volunteer her time undertaking because she has spent her life championing her three daughters who continue to navigate successful years in the SOMSD school system. Her prioritization of education is not only spoken but exemplified through the support of her daughters teaching Kumon throughout their scholastic careers. I know Kamal is proud of her and her husband’s hard work and dedication to their daughters’ education and experiences in sports and STEM programs. They are immensely proud that their eldest daughter has now begun her Freshman year at Princeton.

Kamal’s communication and research skills are truly exceptional. She wants to change the culture of the school system collaboratively and with thoughtful yet provocative intention. She wants to bring new ideas and we need new ideas to keep growing with the times and the speed of technology.

Kamal’s strengths are complemented by her demonstrated leadership skills as an interim board member today. There is no steep learning curve, she has the background and knowledge to continue the board’s work.

I am encouraged that my three young boys who are still in Jefferson Elementary and Maplewood Middle School will benefit from the hard work Kamal puts in to see more kids in AP classes and more diverse AP classes as well as teaching at high levels to all children.

She has a very special spark, no nonsense attitude, and I trust she will go far in enhancing our school system.

Leslie Waller
Maplewood, NJ

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