CHS Art & Literary Magazine Guildscript Takes 1st Place From American Scholastic Press Association

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From Columbia High School:

The Columbia High School art and literary magazine, Guildscript, received a First Place award from the American Scholastic Press Association for its 2022 edition!

The annual magazine received high marks in design, organization, and presentation.  The Association stated that the Guildscript exhibited “superior efforts of talented and creative editors, writers, artists, photographers, layout/graphic designers, staff members and advisors!” It also commented that the “ability to keep your publication alive and printing during a pandemic is a testament to your dedication and devotion to your publication, school, [and] community…”

The 2022 Guildscript Advisors, Ms. Lubrano and Ms. Malhotra, are delighted that the magazine was so well received and attribute the magazine’s success to the dedication and hard work of all the editors, writers and artists involved:

Writers Group Leader:
Kate Kampner

Managing Editor
Writers Group Leader: 
Nina Krauss

Art/Photo Editor: 
Pilar Uhl

Advisors 2022: 
LauraLee Lubrano (Literary)
Cindy Malhotra (Art/Design)

“Guildscript was incredible to work on; the collaboration and artistic spirit it inspires in students is invaluable,” said Pilar Uhl. “Guildscript is a collaborative project that came straight from the minds of CHS students. It couldn’t have been done without each and every person involved. Working on The Guildscript was an incredible learning experience. It was truly a labor of love for everyone!”

“Guiding students in the process of creating a publication like Guildscript is very rewarding,” said Ms. Malhotra. “They really appreciate the experience, especially when they see their hard work culminate into something beyond a digital file — something tangible.”

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