Going the Private School Route: Our Lady of Sorrows

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Here at The Village Green, we provide wall-to-wall coverage of the South Orange-Maplewood School District, which educates more than 6,600 children in the towns from kindergarten through 12th grade.

However, some local parents do choose other options for their children’s education. Village Green is profiling those options. Previously, we featured Montclair-Kimberley Academy in Montclair, Far Brook School in Short Hills, the Pingry School in Short Hills and Basking Ridge, Newark Academy in Livingston, and St. Rose of Lima Academy in Short Hills.

This week, the focus is on Our Lady of Sorrows in South Orange.

Village Green will also be profiling individual schools in the South Orange-Maplewood School District.


Our Lady of Sorrows
172 Academy Street
South Orange NJ 07079

Principal: Sister Judith Blair, S. C. C.

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Motto: Work, Study, Pray and Preparing Today’s Children for Tomorrow’s Challenges

Our Lady of Sorrows School, known as “OLS,” founded in 1890, serves students from Preschool through eighth grade. The Nursery at OLS, associated with the school and parish, provides childcare for infants and toddlers. OLS is staffed by the Sisters of Charity of Convent Station, as well as by lay teachers. The school is closely linked to Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church, including marking important holidays in the Christian calendar.

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The school is overseen by the Archdiocese of Newark.

The Home-School Association plays a significant role in the school’s life. Each family is expected to volunteer 15 hours each year or to pay $200 instead. Volunteer opportunities range from daytime assistance in the school library to organizing sporting and social events.

The school’s curriculum correlates with the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Newark and of the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. The OLS athletic program boasts seven different sports for students, with opportunities to compete inter-scholastically.

Students at OLS wear uniforms from Kindergarten through eighth grade. Preschool students do not wear uniforms.

After-school care is available. After-school enrichment is also offered.

Discounted tuition is available by pre-paying. Tuition varies by number of children enrolled in the school.

2014-15 Tuition:

Parishioner Non-Parishioner

One child $5,171 for a Parishioner; $7,350 for a Non-Parishioner

Two children $9,109 for a Parishioner; $14,490 for a Non-Parishioner

Three children $12,131 for a Parishioner; $20,974 for a Non-Parishioner


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