The following is from a troop parent.
On November 14, 2015, Troop 5 Maplewood-South Orange will celebrate its 95th anniversary at The Woodland in Maplewood. Hundreds of boys in the Maplewood-South Orange area learned lifelong leadership and camping skills through Troop 5.
In 1920, just 10 years after the Boy Scouts of America began, the national organization chartered Troop 5 in Maplewood, New Jersey, said Scoutmaster Roger R. Brauchli, who has been with troop 5 since he was in fifth grade. Since that time, Troop 5 has distinguished itself as one of the finest Boy Scout Troops in the country, turning boys into leaders, including nearly 100 scouts who have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.
Troop 5 is the largest Boy Scout troop in Lenape Trail District and one of the Scout units in the Northern New Jersey Council with about 60 Scouts, ranging in age from 11 to 17. The troop is a “boy-run” organization, whose youth leaders are elected by the Scouts. In addition to camping trips and high adventure trips, the troop performs hundreds of hours of community service every year.
For more information or to add or update contact info, email [email protected]. Follow the troop on Facebook; join the alumni group @Troop 5 BSA Maplewood NJ.