From the South Orange – Maplewood School District:
Middle School Math Course Selection Discussion 5/3 and 5/5
We invite parents of students in grades 5-7 to join the Middle School Math Course Selection Discussion:
- Better understand the Hows and Whys of selecting a middle school math course.
- Share resources and strategies for students to prepare for their selected math course and do well throughout the year.
- Answer parent questions about the new process, individual courses, or the progression of courses through high school.
South Orange Middle School Maplewood Middle School
Tuesday, May 3, 2016 Thursday, May 5, 2016
6:30 – 8:00 pm 6:30 – 8:00 pm
SOMS Library MMS Library
70 North Ridgewood Rd. 7 Burnet St.
So. Orange, NJ Maplewood, NJ
The two presentations will be the same, so please attend whichever works for your schedule, even if it is not at the school your child will attend next year.
Note: The deadline for selecting math placement for next year has been extended to Monday, May 9th so that families can use information from these evenings in their decision making.
See a chart explaining the different pathways for middle school to high school math attached here as a PDF: