Maplewood to Explore Re-Introducing Basketball Courts to Maplecrest Park

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The Maplewood Recreation Advisory Committee is hosting a meeting on July 21 to discuss revitalizing Maplecrest Park to add a basketball court and to improve the tennis courts.

The meeting notice reads, “This meeting will allow residents to hear about the potential options and provide feedback on which is most desirable and will be most utilized.”

“We, your neighbors on the Recreation Advisory Committee, want your input before making a recommendation to the Township Committee.”

Advisory committee members noted in an email that currently “the only place to play basketball in Maplewood is in Memorial Park and the courts are limited.” Additionally, “the current tennis courts in Maplecrest Park are in poor condition, and some people use it as a dog run.”

The meeting will take place on Thursday, July 21, at 7 p.m. at the Hilton branch of the Maplewood Library. Questions can be e-mailed to [email protected].

Said Recreation Advisory Committee member Erin Scherzer, “The project is in the early stages, so we want the views of the community to drive the direction of the initiative.”

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