Adams to Seek Reelection; Maplewood Democratic Committee Seeks Applications for Endorsement

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Maplewood Township Committee member Nancy Adams will seek reelection for a third term, according to a release from the Maplewood Democratic Committee.

However, Adams will need to apply — along with other candidates — for endorsement by the Maplewood Democratic Committee for the June primary. Deadline for submissions is February 22, 2021. Adams’ prior running mate, Greg Lembrich, announced last fall that he will not seek reelection.

See more below.


The Maplewood Democratic Committee requests submissions from all those interested in running with the party’s endorsement for the positions  of Township Committee Member and Democratic Party District Lender. 

The seats on the Township Committee currently held by Nancy Adams and  Greg Lembrich will be up for election in November. The new three-year terms will  begin on January 1, 2022. Greg Lembrich announced at the end of last year that he will not be seeking to be re-elected. Nancy Adams is planning to run again. 

The Maplewood Democratic Committee will endorse candidates for the  Township Committee seats in the June 8 Democratic Primary. Along with  considering the requests by Nancy Adams to be endorsed, the Committee will  consider all individuals seeking the Committee’s endorsement. Anyone interested in  seeking the Democratic Committee’s endorsement should submit a resume and  letter of interest to Ian Grodman, Chair, by February 22, 2021. Interviews will be  conducted by the full Maplewood Democratic Committee (most likely by zoom call) on March 1. All submissions and inquiries should be sent to on or before February 22, 2021. 

In addition, the Maplewood Democratic Committee seeks submissions from  those interested in serving as Democratic Party District Leaders. These positions are  voted for by registered Democrats in each of Maplewood’s 21 election districts in  the June Primary in even numbered years. The District Leader election did not take place in 2020 due to barriers presented to filing nominating petitions as a result of  the global pandemic, and the election was postponed to this year, June, 2021.  

District Leaders are responsible to work on behalf of the Party promoting  Democratic ideals and Democratic candidates. That involves canvassing on behalf of  Democratic candidates in their districts before both the Primary and General  Election each year, and attending at least four Maplewood Democratic Committee  meetings each year, in addition to attending meetings of the full Essex County  Democratic Committee. District Leaders generally serve for two-year terms, but the  new term will be for one year due to last year’s election not taking place. District  Leaders also participate in interviewing and endorsing candidates for Township  Committee each year. 

Those interested should submit a resume and letter of interest to Ian  Grodman, Chair, at, by February 22, 2021..

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