Maplewood Declares Winter Storm Emergency, Overnight Parking Prohibited

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From Maplewood Township Office of Emergency Management:

The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning for northeast New Jersey from 7:00pm tonight through 7:00pm tomorrow. Snowfall is expected to begin around 9:30pm this evening and last through 12:00pm tomorrow. Snow accumulations of 6″-12″ of lightly powder are expected, along with wind gusts of up to 30-50mph. There is a potential for whiteout conditions, downed trees, and power outages from downed lines.

In anticipation of the storm, Governor Murphy has declared a state of emergency in New Jersey effective 5:00pm today and has instated a commercial vehicle travel restriction. Maplewood officials have also declared a State of Emergency, beginning at 7:00pm this evening. Due to hazardous conditions, residents are advised to avoid the roads. Caution should be used when walking on sidewalks, paths, and bridges. Overnight parking on Township streets is prohibited to make room for snow plows. In the event of downed power lines or trees, residents should contact both their local energy provider and the Maplewood Police Department’s non-emergency line:

  • JCP&L: 1-888-LIGHTSS (544-4877) or
  • PSE&G: 1-800-436-PSEG (7734) or text “OUT” to 4PSEG
  • PD non-emergency line: (973) 762-1234

Downed wires should always be considered “live,” and residents should remain at least 30 feet away. Anyone traveling in a large vehicle should be cautious of low-hanging wires. Please note that downed wires can be hidden in snow or standing water.

Residents with generators are advised to ensure their equipment is in working condition prior to the storm. To prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, gas-powered generators should not be utilized in an enclosed space. Those who rely on electric-powered medical equipment should notify their energy provider in advance of the storm, as well as the Maplewood Fire Department/EMS:

  • JCP&L: 1-888-LIGHTSS
  • PSE&G: 1-800-436-PSEG
  • Maplewood Fire/EMS non-emergency line: (973) 762-6500

In preparation for the storm, the Maplewood Department of Public Works (DPW) staff will begin salting Township roads, paths, and municipal lots at 8:00pm. DPW has also prepared over 15 vehicles for curb-to-curb plowing, which will begin once there is an accumulation of 2″-3″ of snow. Snow removal contractors remain on standby for additional help if needed. Both the Maplewood Police and Fire Departments have increased staffing beginning this evening in preparation for emergency response.

Maplewood PD will remain open overnight as an emergency heating center; the DeHart Community Center may be opened as a heating center in response to community need. In the meantime, those in need of heat or shelter should contact the Maplewood PD non-emergency line at (973) 762-1234. Aside from Maplewood PD, all Township buildings will be closing at 3:00pm today so that employees may commute home safely. The Maplewood Public Library will be closed tomorrow. All Maplewood Recreation programming for tonight and tomorrow has been cancelled. Essex County COVID-19 vaccination and testing sites Will be closed from Saturday, January 29 until Tuesday, February 1.

Following the snowstorm, residents are to be mindful when shoveling and snow blowing their properties. Ensure that snow is not moved into the roads or piled on top of any fire hydrants.

Thank you all for your cooperation as we work to keep our community safe.


To all citizens and persons with the Township of Maplewood, New Jersey, and to all Departments, Divisions and Offices of the municipal government of the Township of Maplewood, New Jersey: WHEREAS, a winter storm will impact New Jersey with significant snow and winds on January 28 and 29, 2022; and WHEREAS, the winter storm will affect health and safety within the Township of Maplewood. NOW, THEREFORE, pursuit to the powers in Chapter 251 of the Laws of 1942 as amended and supplemented, N.J.S.A. App. A-930 etc. Seq.: N.J.S.A. 40-48-1(6) and ordinances enacted pursuit thereto; N.J.S.A. 2C:33-1 etc. Seq.; — whichever law or laws apply, and by ordinances adopted by the Maplewood Township Committee:

  1. We have declared that due to the winter storm a local emergency exists with the Township of Maplewood, effective 7:00 pm on Friday, January 28, 2022.
  2. Orders, rules and regulations are to be promulgated to protect the health, safety and welfare within the Township of Maplewood and address conditions which may be presented by the winter storm emergency.
  3. Overnight parking on Township streets is prohibited until this declaration is rescinded.
  4. Departments, Divisions and Offices of the Township of Maplewood are directed to utilize all available municipal resources to respond to and recover from the winter storm.

________________________ _______________________________

Victor De Luca, Emergency Management Coordinator

Dean Dafis, Mayor

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