“We’re shining light on injustices, for countless others beyond ourselves,” wrote a complainant who says he was abused at the age of 12. An accused former scoutmaster denies the allegations and vows to prove his innocence.
Breaking News
Breaking NewsSouth Orange
Baird Center Reopens Dec. 27 After Closure Due to Burst Pipe, Mayor Addresses Issues
On Monday, December 23, South Orange Village announced that the Baird Center at 5…
Breaking NewsGovernmentMaplewoodMillburnSouth OrangeTowns
4.8 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes New Jersey, Surrounding Areas Friday Morning
Locally, numerous residents in NJ and beyond reported feeling walls shake and the ground tremble. South Orange-Maplewood schools were put in a Code Yellow shelter-in-place until buildings could be inspected for safety.
Breaking NewsMaplewoodSchools / Kids
Maplewood Middle School Students Evacuated to CHS Due to Gas Leak
The leak occurred due to construction work at Dunnell & Baker by a PSE&G contractor, according to Maplewood officials.
Breaking NewsMaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth OrangeSports
SOMA Officials Vote Down $30M School Bond, Draft New Resolution Without Ritzer Field
The Board of Education will vote on the new $24M bond resolution on March 21.
Breaking NewsMaplewoodPolice and FireSchools / KidsSouth Orange
CHS Principal Frank Sanchez Charged With Child Endangerment, Simple Assault
“No matter what our feelings may be at this time, our focus must be on meeting the needs of Columbia High School students, their families, and staff,” said Acting Supt. Dr. Kevin Gilbert.
Breaking NewsGovernmentMaplewoodPolice and Fire
Maplewood Operating Community Heating Centers to Assist Residents in Winter Storm
The following notification is from the Township of Maplewood, NJ: A winter storm is…
Breaking NewsPolice and FireSouth Orange
South Orange: No On-Street Parking 5 PM Saturday-12PM Sunday Due to Winter Storm Watch
The following is a notification from the South Orange Office of Emergency Management on…
Breaking NewsMaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
UPDATED: CHS Principal Sanchez Placed on Administrative Leave; Bodnar to Helm School in Interim
UPDATE: A statement from BOE members Telesford and Vadlamani reads in part: “We express our full support for Acting Superintendent Gilbert’s recent decision to put Principal Sanchez on administrative leave. We understand the gravity of this situation and recognize that this decision may cause discomfort and raise questions for many students, parents and members of our community.”
Breaking NewsMaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
UPDATE: South Orange-Maplewood BOE Votes 6-3 to Place Supt. Taylor on Leave, Not Renew Contract
“Dr. Taylor has asked that any conversation about his performance be done publicly.”