The following remarks were made by Former Maplewood Mayor Frank McGehee at his final meeting as a member of the Maplewood Township Committee on December 20, 2022. McGehee chose not to run for a third term on the TC this year.
It has been an honor to serve our town for the last 6 years. First I want to thank every single resident who voted for me 1 to 4 times over my tenure. We have done so much and been through so much more.
From the Coronavirus which changed everything to this day to Ida to the aftermath of July 5, 2016 to fighting against Asian hate, antisemitism, representing commuters when The NJ Transit tunnel work resulted in no trains running to the BLM movement.
And Together during this time we have made tremendous leaps.
The merger of our Fire Department with South Orange.
The commencement of our new master plan – the first in nearly 2 decades.
The growth of new small businesses, arguably more in the last 6 years than ever before in the history of our town and we have the ribbon-cutting pictures to prove it!
New traffic calming measures inclusive of bump outs, lighting and signage, a new Dehart Park with Basketball and Tennis courts, and a revamped paddle tennis court in Walter park.
Tree plantings and new operational equipment from DPW salt trucks to Electric police vehicles to fire apparatus all to ensure quality town services.
Voting registration drives, a massive COVID-19 vaccination effort and critical census participation.
New committees- so our youth have a voice, a community police board and a collaborative governing board among South Orange and South Orange Maplewood School District.
Working toward the approval of a 161MM Bond to improve and fix our school district facilities across our community.
Celebrating Juneteenth and taking our PRIDE efforts to a new level including NJ’s first rainbow Crosswalk and BLACK LIVES MATTER embedded on our streets for all to know.
Together we have suffered Great losses – Bike Shed owner/lifetime resident Danny Ives, CHS soccer star Moussa Fofana, Coach and loving father/husband Pat Jeffrey, 42 amazing Maplewoodians due to Covid, and Chief Jimmy DeVaul.
There’s also the countless hours of hard work that the public does not see. The hundreds of Ordinances, over 1,500 Resolutions and thousands of hours of reading, meetings, phone calls, texts and correspondences.

Frank McGehee
There are so many people to thank.
First, Thank you to each member of our community who volunteered or served on a committee. Several of you are the backbone of these committees and I appreciate you.
Thank you to our Township family Liz Fritzen, Chief Alverez, Chief Sally, Candice Davenport and Anna Maracova, Nick Walz – an unsung hero, Melissa Mancuso, Jamie Miranda, E Star AKA Eddy, Gregg Schuster Bailey Barnet, Glen Michaloswki, Roger Desiderio, Joe kolodziej, Lennie Medola, John Singleton, Annette Deplama, Chris Aremia, Dawn Ross, Debbie Giordano, Father Jim Worth and our police chaplains, Cesare Riccardi, Timmy, Anna and all our amazing DPW [Department of Public Works] team.
The reason I created our employee of the month/employee spotlight program for the two years that I was mayor was to recognize and celebrate you publicly. You represent the essence of our township. Thank you for your service, sacrifice, support and dedication to our community.
To my colleagues, both past and present India [Larrier], Greg [Lembrich], Nancy [Adams], Vic [DeLuca], Dean [Dafis] and Jamaine [Cripe] – Thank you. But we are more than colleagues, we’re a family – with tons of fond memories, passionate moments and most importantly times of laughter. We have a special bond as members of the Township Committee and each of you has played a key and collaborative role in our town’s successes – be proud of your service and dedication to the community that we call home. As we always say, we live here too.
To my colleagues outside of Maplewood, S.O. President Sheena Collum and trustees, Mayor Ras Baraka, Tony Vauss, Assemblymembers Jasey & McKeon, Governor Cody, Congressmembers Payne and Sherrill and Governor Murphy. Thank you
To my Friend, Trainer, Frat Brother and Maplewoodstock founder Kevin Chandler, Thanks for being a guide toward the light assisting me with my physical and mental strength and balance.
To my neighbors. Thank you Carleton Ct Crew – you’ve been with me through all the good and the ugly and have served as a safe space for me to simply be Frank. For always having a smile or my back, not to mention doing several last second dog walks because I was stuck in some committee meeting that ran way over. Thank you. I love you all.
Marie and Madison. You both have been there every step of the way. I couldn’t have survived or given this town all of me, especially during my tenure as mayor where those two years felt like 20. Thank you for your unconditional love. I love you.
It was an honor to be the Ralph Jacobson of our modern day when I became our first new mayor in 11 years in 2020 and just the 15th in our then 98 year history and only our 2nd Black Mayor ever. I am also proud to be 1 of only 6 members in the history of our government to have served at all three levels of the committee: Member, Deputy Mayor and Mayor.
Maplewood is a vibrant community and has just scratched the surface of our political voice. During my tenure we, alongside South Orange, served as the key votes in the 2017 election and 2021 re-election of Governor Murphy and the 2022 re-election of Congresswoman Sherill. Our voice and more representation at all levels throughout New Jersey matters so that our values are reflected resoundingly.
To quote my dear friend, Frat Brother, former Mayor of New Orleans and President and CEO of the National Urban League Marc Morial, “Our commitment must be to build, and bind towards a unity of purpose, values and ideals!”
Let us never forget that aim.
Thank you again to the people of Maplewood for this opportunity to serve our community at this level. My Heart is full.
Onward and Upward!