2020 PHOTOS of South Orange & Maplewood: What Was Planned, What Was Replaced

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Photos of and reflections on 2020 by Maplewood-based photographer Joy Yagid.

What was planned and what was replaced.

The year didn’t turn out the way anyone thought it would.

Shortly after its start, the world was upended. And plans were replaced.

Replaced with stay at home orders, with closed shops and schools.

It was replaced with thanking essential workers, shortages of yeast, flour and toilet paper, with sourdough and puppies.

And as the year progressed, we started to find our feet and what was planned was replaced with long hikes, gardening and birdwatching. It was replaced with BLM protests and remembrances of RBG.

And by drive-by celebrations, masks, a comet, and finally an election.

And as the year closes, there is guarded hope for a better 2021.

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