SOMS Girl Scouts Pitch in to Make South Orange Sparkle

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The following is from the Troop 20323 Leader:

On Sunday, the Girl Scouts Cadettes of South Orange Troop 20323 delivered an amazing community service offering. Together, these SOMS 7th graders spent more than two hours picking up trash behind SOMS, in the Duck Pond park, and along the River Walk by Cameron Field. It was a fun, productive day, and the girls left our community much cleaner than when they arrived.

South Orange Girl Scouts Troop 20323; standing l. to r.: Andrea Rebimbas, Zoe Newman, Natasha Lyons, Abbigail Martin, Wendy Weeks. Front: Schuyler Newman

South Orange Girl Scouts Troop 20323; standing l. to r.: Andrea Rebimbas, Zoe Newman, Natasha Lyons, Abbigail Martin, Wendy Weeks. Front: Schuyler Newman

Together, the girls collected over 30 lbs. of garbage, including 21 baseballs that had accumulated in the plants that line the River Walk, by Cameron Field. This garbage pick up helped to beautify our town, and keep the garbage from entering the River, thus preventing impact to towns beyond South Orange.

The Girl Scouts’ work coincided with the 9/11 National Day of Service, and their initiative helped them earn their Diplomat badge, a key badge that shows how Cadettes are growing their leadership skills in ways that better their community. Baseballs

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