Dear readers and subscribers,
Since our inception in 2014, has been dedicated to bringing South Orange and Maplewood all the news that local residents need to be responsible, informed citizens.
Recently, we’ve been focusing our energies on posting essential public health information while continuing to follow other important stories involving our township governmental bodies, school district and public agencies. With the help of our staff and freelance aid — including Kathleen Bailie, Celina Herrero, Adrianna Donat, Hadriana Lowenkron, Donny Levit, Bruno Navarro, Joy Yagid, Justin Sousa and others — we are working around the clock to stay on top of developments.
During this time, we are making ALL content related to public health and covid-19 updates and preparedness available for free outside of our paywall.
We are deeply grateful to our subscribers and advertisers for making this coverage possible. Their support is helping us to provide this information to all community members throughout this crisis.
As you read our stories, PLEASE pay attention to those ads: Those are your neighbors and friends; supporting their businesses — while following appropriate public health advisories — is central to maintaining our commercial districts and our community.
Additionally, if you are not a subscriber and you can afford to subscribe, we ask you to consider a subscription now. Please help us continue to do this work!
Thank you for your support — and be well!
Mary Barr Mann & Carolyn Parisi