Everything You Wanted to Know About Maplewood Kids Camp 2016

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From the Maplewood Department of Recreation and Cultural Affairs:

Please ‘like’ us on facebook to stay updated on our events and programs. https://www.facebook.com/Maplewood-Recreation-and-Cultural-Affairs-808632522489650/?ref=hl


Kid’s Camp will run single-week sessions from June 27th-August 19th.  New for this year, we’re adding a 7th and 8th week!  Camps will be Monday-Fridays except for holiday conflicts. Children must be in grades Kindergarten-5th grade or must be at least five years of age. Camp’s location will be at the Maplewood Community Center – 120 Burnett Avenue.

NEW for this year, we have added a weekly special event or activity on-site as well as a weekly field trip.

Includes: structured games, free time at the playground, arts and crafts activities, pool trips, field trips (Thursdays).

Full Day Camp: 8:30am-3:30pm
Half Day Camp: 8:30am-1:00pm

The camp will run for eight, one-week sessions:

Session I: June 27 – July 1            
Tuesday – Inflatable Activities Fun Day
Thursday- Reeves Reed Arboretum Field Trip.  Enjoy a lesson called Seed to Plant which walks through the lifecycle of a plant – activities include seed dissection, planting, pollinating and a seed dispersal game.  We then head into the woodlands and do a walk discussing adaptations.

Session II: July 5 – July 8 (No Camp on July 4 – prorated)
Thursday – Morris Museum field trip for a scavenger hunt and Earth Explorers Presentation.   A combination of the best of Rockin’ Minerals and Dinosaurs and the Prehistoric Earth. Students will also learn about prehistoric life, while handling fossils, such as dinosaur eggs, tracks, and teeth in the permanent exhibition, Digging Dinosaurs.

Session III: July 11 – July 15
Tuesday:  Creation Station Event – a hands-on imaginative and unique activity awaits.  Campers can paint and decorate their initial, make a selfie cookie, and emoji candies!
Thursday:  Turtleback Zoo field trip with a carousel ride!

Session IV: July 18 – July 22
Tuesday:  Meteorology event with John Marshall!  Our campers will have the opportunity to be weather forecasters for a day when meteorologist John Marshall brings his mobile weather studio to camp!  Mr. Marshall previously worked as a broadcast meteorologist for NBC and CBS, and will speak to campers about weather concepts and about his job as a meteorologist. He’s bringing his green screen for campers to try their hand at meteorology!  You don’t want to miss this special event!
Thursday:  Rebounderz field trip includes 2 hours of trampoline jumping, some arcade time and lunch.

Session V: July 25 – July 29
Tuesday:  Don’t’ miss our Lego event at camp!  Kids are already naturally gifted creators. Then they get added inspiration from specially trained instructors. They dive into massive collections of LEGOs® and they built elaborate objects, structures and vehicles, as they explore fundamental principles of engineering and physics. They also learn to collaborate and create without fear of mistakes. The experience is joyful, the impact long-lasting.
Thursday:  Point Pleasant Boardwalk field trip

Session VI: August 1 – August 5
Tuesday:  A Planetarium Experience awaits– we are going to observe the evening sky and become amateur astronomers!  A huge dome will be blown up as our presenter helps campers locate major stars, planets that are visible, and the moon.  Students will be engaged as they learn about astronomy and other celestial objects.
Thursday:  FunPlex field trip includes a foam frenzy, lazer tag, pizza lunch and more!

Session VII: August 8 – August 12
Tuesday:  Compost project!  Campers will be introduced to the benefits of vermicomposting, through a fun hands-on lesson.  Each camper will get to make their own compost bin to take home!
Thursday: We’re heading to Action Park for a day of water park fun!

Session VIII: August 15 – August 19
Tuesday: Imagination Station is dropping in for an awesome day of creativity.  Campers can ‘Become the Band’ with song writing, making instruments and costumes and then performing their new hit.  Younger campers can write a puppet show, make the puppets and then perform their new masterpiece.
Thursday: Liberty Science Center promises to be a day filled with learning and fun, including an IMAX show about our National Parks.
Cost:  Full Day- $250 per week
Half Day- $185 per week
Campers must bring lunch each day unless otherwise notified. Campers swim at least one day a week at the Maplewood Community Pool.  All campers are swim tested and assigned pools accordingly.  Parents now have the option of having their children enrolled in swim lessons during camp hours.

Each week (Thursdays) the camp leaves the community center for a field trip. Your child must be wearing their camping shirt, and we recommend that you send extra spending money with your child for games and food if needed.  All half-day campers will be on trips as well.
Camp Maple is a 6-week program offered to children with special needs. The program provides opportunities for gross and fine motor development as well as cognitive and social growth.Camp Maple will run for six weeks from June 27th-August 5th. Children must be in grades Kindergarten-5th grade or must be at least five years of age.

Camp’s location is at the Maplewood Community Center, 120 Burnett Ave.

Camp will run from 8:30am-1:00pm

Camp Price: $100 per week
The camp will run for six, one-week sessions:
Session I: June 27 – July 1
Session II: July 5 – July 8 (4 day week – prorated)
Session III: July 11 – July 15
Session IV: July 18 – July 22
Session V: July 25 – July 29
Session VI: August 1 – August 5

Online registration can be done by using the following link: https://register.communitypass.net/maplewoodYou may also register in person at the recreation office in the Town Hall Building, 547 Valley Street in Maplewood. For additional information, please call 973-763-4202.

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