From the CHS HSA:
Cookie Bakers and Volunteers Needed for 3rd Annual Holiday Cookie Distribution
The CHS HSA will package homemade Holiday Cookies for ALL teachers and staff at Columbia High School. We need your help!
[Read about last year’s cookie giveaway here.]
Here is how you can participate:
1. Provide 2, 3 or 4 dozen cookies (fresh baked preferred). Cookies should be dropped off between 7:30-8:30 a.m Wednesday, December 21st at the CHS main entrance (or arrangements can be made to drop off cookies the evening before). If your cookies contain NUTS, please label them. Cookies do not need to be in any special packaging – they will be put into individual small boxes for the teachers – so zip lock bags or disposable containers are best.
2. Volunteer to package and distribute cookies to the teachers and staff Wednesday, December 21st, 8:30 a.m. until approximately 11:30 a.m at CHS.
3. If you are able to participate, please email Barbara Cokorinos ([email protected]) or Leah Gomberg ([email protected]) by December 14th and let us know if you will bake and/or package cookies.
Teachers and staff loved this gift last year! This is a simple way to lend your support and do something special for the people who give so much to our children throughout the school year. We will be packaging approximately 300 boxes of homemade cookies so we need a lot of help! Please volunteer!!