2021 Columbia High School Grads Return Deemed ‘Big Success’

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From Grads Return Committee:

This year’s Grads Return event was a big success – despite having to be held virtually.

It took place on Friday January 22, and included over 70 graduate panelists in sessions that covered over 30 different topics, from choosing a major to managing stress, from HBCUs to fraternity/sorority life, from study abroad to taking a gap year, as well as individual courses of study. Each panel was organized and overseen by a CHS faculty member.

Grads return is a cherished and popular CHS tradition, and we’re proud to say that we weathered our unique circumstance to make it available to our current juniors and seniors.

Many thanks to Principal Sanchez, the administration, the faculty, and the HSA for creating this valuable event. Special thanks to the Cougar Boosters for helping provide “thank you” gift cards to deVine Plantery and Words Bookstore to all our graduate panelists.

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