UPDATE: South Orange-Maplewood BOE Filing Deadline is Monday, July 27; So Far, No Candidates Have Filed

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The deadline to file to run in the November 3, 2020 election for the South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education is Monday, July 27 at 4 p.m. As of Friday afternoon, no candidates had filed, according to County Clerk Christopher J. Durkin.

However, Board member Robin Baker, whose term expires this year, told Village Green she plans to file on Monday. “I am planning to run for the one-year completion of Javier Farfan’s term and will be filing Monday morning,” Baker said.

Kamal Zubieta, who was appointed as an interim after Farfan resigned in January, said on Sunday she was not planning to run in the fall.

Board member Elizabeth Baker, whose term is also ending this year, said she would announce on Monday whether she plans to run again.

Candidates must obtain at least 10 signatures on their petition. Petitions and forms must be submitted at the Essex County Clerks’s Office in Newark, or remotely (see this link). See more information in the PDF below.

Find a link to petitions here and at the end of this article.

Download (PDF, 1.67MB)

In addition to Robin Baker and Elizabeth Baker, the seat of Tony Mazzocchi is also up this year.  Mazzocchi told Village Green in April he is not running again.



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