With all schools in New Jersey in distance learning mode, the dedicated staff of Columbia High School’s award-winning student newspaper, The Columbian, proudly present their second on-line edition at thecolumbianchs.

Shanil Auguste
Don’t shoot, we yell. I will comply, we say. Laws are important, we believe. I am reaching for my wallet, we plead. Grow up, we try. But it’s never enough. Will it ever be enough? We are being killed, murdered, we do not get the chance to die the way people should, we are executed without a jury. Our pain to you results in laughter. Our bodies are nothing but carcasses to you. You belittle and dehumanize us to justify your actions. Your ignorance is deadly. We need you to hear us. It is baffling how you would rather hurt hundreds of people just to protect a rotten six. You would rather justify the killings of thousands than to purify your line. Please explain this. My heart is shattering, hearing about these injustices. About these men, women, children, fathers, mothers killed because you do not want to make a stand. Fear is understandable. I am afraid every time I leave my house, but when has my fear EVER been deadly. I feel for you that you are so afraid that your fear leads you to kill an unarmed child. I feel for your degrading masculinity to jump a man who is complying with your wishes. I wish I can give you a soul that laughs at the disfigurement you caused to someone’s son. And I wish that I can remove your fear and lift you out of your haze so that you can feel with the rest of us. We are not demanding for more bodies for more carnage for more rioting or blood we are demanding justice for those countless men women and children that had lost their lives to this relentless battle that will never have a winner unless you can too feel the same exhaust, anger, sadness, disgust, heartbreak that we all feel.