Two Town Turkey Trot returns November 15, 2014 to South Mountain Reservation. Credit: Vanessa Pollock.
Locals can work off those Thanksgiving pounds before they even load them on this year with the Two Towns 5K Turkey Trot & Kids Fun Run, scheduled for Saturday, November 15.
The run, in its second year, is a combination fundraiser for the Seth Boyden and Tuscan School PTAs. The race takes place on Crest Drive in the South Mountain Reservation.
Pre-registration is recommended to secure your t-shirt.
Pre-registration is $25. Race day registration is $35. Registration is $20 for Seth Boyden/Tuscan Staff members (5K only).
The event includes a kids’ fun run with prizes for age group winners and overall winners.
Entry Fees:
Kids’ Fun Run: $10
5K Race: Pre-registration: $25 (includes t-shirts while supplies last)
Race Day: $35
Seth Boyden/Tuscan Staff: $20 (ONLY FOR STAFF MEMBERS)
8:00-8:45 a.m.: Race Day Registration/Packet Pickup (approx.)
9:00 a.m.: 5K Race (approx.)
10:00 a.m.: Kids’ Fun Run (approx.)
10:15 a.m.: Awards Ceremony
Pre-Race Packet Pick-up: November 13 and 14 at Sneaker Factory – 308 Millburn Ave, Millburn NJ (10am-5pm) 973-376-6094 / www.sneakerfactory.com
More Info: Register online at https://register.compuscore.com/sethboydenturkeytrot/; email turkeytrot@sethboyden.com for paper registration or for more information. You can also call (973) 433-6581 for more information. Prizes for age group winners and overall winners. Limited parking available in reservation. Carpooling recommended.