South Orange Isaias Cleanup Continues; Residents May Bring Smaller Branches to Curb by Aug 9

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From the Township of South Orange:

Cleanup is still continuing following yesterday’s storm.  As of right now, all trees and branches causing hazards have been removed and all roads should be reopened.

The Department of Public Works has cut up any fallen town trees from yesterday and are in the process of removing them.  If a town tree that has been cut by the town is still on the side of the road, residents do not need to call the town as the department already knows and will come to sweep it up in the next 2-3 days.

On Monday, August 10, DPW will be doing a sweep of the town for fallen branches.  Residents are welcome to place branches four inches or smaller in diameter curbside for collection.  Please do not place large leader limbs, tree trunks, roots, or branches large than four inches at the curb. These will not be collected by the Township.   Ensure debris is placed curbside by Sunday night as once the Department completes a street they will not circle back.  This cleanup does not require an appointment.

If residents encounter any additional hazards in the public right of way (i.e. streets, sidewalks, etc…) due to falling branches, please call the Department of Public Works at 973-378-7741.

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