The College Hill Neighborhood Association is inviting all Maplewood residents to its monthly meeting on Saturday, April 9 at 10 a.m. at Prospect Church to meet with special guest Jason Cohen of Appraisal Systems, Inc.
Cohen will discuss the township-wide property reassessment and be available to answer questions from residents.
Because the assessed values of properties in Maplewood and South Orange has fallen below 85% of market value, the Essex County Board of Taxation has ordered both towns to perform property reassessments. The towns are conducting the reassessment jointly.
New property values will be effective January 1, 2017.
“It’s effectively the same as a revaluation,” said Township Attorney Roger Desiderio at a Township Committee meeting in January. There will be door-t0-door home inspections and property owners will be entitled to dispute their new valuation with the tax assessor.
Maplewood last performed an assessment in 2012, after a full revaluation in 2010. South Orange performed a full revaluation in 2007; the last reassessment took place in 2011, with the new home values effective as of Jan. 1, 2012.
The College Hill meeting on April 9 is open to all who live in Maplewood. Any questions from the public on this meeting should go to [email protected]