Passover is an eight-day celebration commemorating the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. It is celebrated by Jews around the world — as well as in Maplewood and South Orange. Passover begins the evening of Friday, April 3 and ends Saturday evening, April 11.
Below is a listing of events and services at local synagogues. Email us at [email protected] to add to this listing.
Oheb Shalom, 170 Scotland Road, South Orange
- PASSOVER 5775/2015
- Friday, April 3… Study and Siyum for the First Born, 7:45 am; Kabbalat Shabbat Service for the First Night of Passover, 6:15 pm
- Saturday, April 4… 1st Day of Pesach — Service 9:30 am; Shabbat Katan, 11:00 am
- Sunday, April 5… 2nd Day of Pesach — Service 9:30 am
- Monday, April 6… Chol Hamoed Passover Service, 7:45 am
- Tuesday, April 7… Chol Hamoed Passover Service, 7:45 am
- Wednesday, April 8… Chol Hamoed Passover Service, 7:45 am
- Thursday, April 9… Chol Hamoed Passover Service, 7:45 am; Eve of 7th Day of Pesach — Service 7:15 pm
- Friday, April 10… 7th Day of Pesach — Service 9:30 am; Evening Service for Shabbat and the 8thDay of Pesach, 7:15 pm
- Saturday, April 11… 8th Day of Pesach/Yizkor — Service 9:30 am; Shabbat Kef/Shabbat Katan, 11:00 am
Congregation Beth El, 222 Irvington Avenue, South Orange
- Friday, April 3, 7:45 am Morning Minyan Fast of the First Born; 11:00 am Burning of the Chametz Maplewood Mayor Victor DeLuca will “buy” the chametz from our community at the Beth El Parking Lot; 7:06 pm Candle lighting for First Night of Pesach Welcome Shabbat with the evening service prior to the beginning of your Seder
- Saturday, April 4, 9:30 am First Day of Pesach: Morning Services; 8:06 pm Shabbat ends; Second Night of Pesach Begin the Counting of the Omer
- Sunday, April 5, 9:30 am Second Day of Pesach: Morning Services
- Monday, April 6 – Thursday, April 9 Chol HaMoed Pesach: Intermediate Days; 7:30am Morning Minyan, Monday-Thursday
- Friday, April 10 9:30 am Seventh Day of Pesach: Morning Services; 6:15 pm Shabbat Evening Services at Beth El; 7:13 pm Candle lighting for Eighth Day of Pesach
- Saturday, April 11 9:30 am Shabbat; Eighth Day of Pesach: Morning Services; 11:00 am Approx. start of Yizkor Memorial Service; 8:15 pm Pesach ends; 8:45 pm Ownership of chametz returns to you.
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel, 432 Scotland Road, South Orange
Recognizing that Passover is first and foremost a home Festival, TSTI does not hold a Congregational seder but endeavors to give each and every household in the congregation the tools necessary to hold their own meaningful seder and, when requested, find host households for those who are in need of such an opportunity.
At the end of the Passover festival TSTI holds a morning worship service at 10:30 a.m. As is the case during Sukkot and Shavout it closes the festival but also allows an opportunity to observe Yizkor and honor the memories of family members who have died. This service is followed by a light lunch.
– See more at:
Congregation Beth Ephraim/Maplewood Jewish Center, 113 Park Avenue, Maplewood
Find the Pesach 5775 listing here.