Maplewood Community Band Presents Free Concert Wednesday

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Better weather has arrived which makes it the perfect time to leave the air-conditioned world for the fresh outdoors and enjoy a good old fashioned community band concert in the park. The Maplewood Community Concert Band will host the final performance of its 2014 – 2015 season Wednesday, July 22, from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Memorial Park Amphitheater in Maplewood. The Amphitheater is located at the corner of Dunnell Rd and Oakview Ave and just down the hill from the train station. There is no rain date.

For its 13th annual Maplewood summer concert, the band will perform the program “Chestnuts in the Park: Hands Across the Sea” under the direction of Steve Kimmons. The program will include marches and overtures from around the world and feature a special performance by xylophone soloist Jasmine Bloch-Krempels, band member and 5th Grade Band Director for the South Orange – Maplewood School District. She will perform George Hamilton Green’s “Ragtime Robin” arranged for concert band by Bob Renshaw, also a member of the band.

The concert is FREE and fun for all ages! Invite family and friends, pack a lawn chair/blanket and picnic basket, and enjoy a beautiful evening of music on the hill. If you’re just getting off the train around 7 p.m., you’ll be mere moments away from the relaxing music that will undoubtedly reduce the stresses of your day.

Refreshments will be available for purchase with 100% of the proceeds going to Maplewood Community Music, a nonprofit that operates the Maplewood Community Concert Band as well as several other amateur community instrumental groups including its big band, Swing Town; jazz combo, Swingville; flute choir, The Silvertones and more. The organization is dedicated to giving all hobbyist musicians, regardless of age and skill level, the opportunity to continue to play in a band/ensemble throughout their lives. All musicians volunteer their time to perform at numerous town events, schools, charity events, and celebrations; perform for seniors and veterans; and deliver free youth music enrichment programs throughout Maplewood and other nearby communities. To keep admission free for all performances and programs, the organization relies primarily on donations and support from the Maplewood Department of Recreation, Parks & Cultural Affairs, Keith Knudson, director.

If you have questions or require more information, please contact Maplewood Community Music via:
– email: [email protected]
– website:
– mail: PO Box 857, Maplewood, NJ 07040

To receive announcements of all upcoming Maplewood Community Music events, follow the organization on Facebook.

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