The MDC will host a ‘Meet the Candidate Seeking Endorsement’ event featuring Jane Collins-Golding on March 10 at 7 p.m. in-person at the Maplewood Senior Center, 106 Burnet Ave, and via zoom. Collins-Golding is seeking a seat on the Maplewood Township Committee.
Engel Endorses Fulop for Governor in Split from Maplewood Township Committee Colleagues
The four other members of the Maplewood Township Committee, including Mayor Nancy Adams, have endorsed U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill, as have more than 100 other Democratic elected leaders in the 11th Congressional district.
AnnouncementsElectionGovernmentPoliticsSouth Orange
Karen Hilton Announces Resignation Effective April 15 After 8 Years of Service on South Orange Council
“During my eight years in office, I’ve worked to make life better for all of South Orange’s residents. I’ve helped make our budgeting process more transparent and our finances more stable, … But I’m most proud of the work I’ve done in ensuring that future residents will continue to benefit from the investments we have made in our village.”
As Engel Bows Out, Maplewood Dems Seek Candidates for Township Committee
To be considered for an endorsement by the Maplewood Democratic Committee, candidates must submit a letter of interest and a resume by March 3, 2025. The deadline to file a petition to be on the primary ballot — as a Republican or Democrat — is March 24, 2025. The primary is June 10.
Engel Announces She Will Not Seek Re-Election to Maplewood Township Committee
“I am excited that my open seat will create opportunity for others to raise their hands and bring their unique voice to our government. … I believe in competitive elections, giving voters a choice, and I hope that more than one candidate will seek this position and run in the primary.”
Candidate Educational Webinar on February 18; Public Candidate Forum on March 10
ElectionMaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
South Orange-Maplewood Swears in New Board of Ed Members; Nubia DuVall Wilson Elected President
SOMEA President Rocio Lopez told board that she hopes they can work together come to an contract agreement to get teachers “the pay we deserve.”
ElectionGovernmentMaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
President Qawi Telesford’s Remarks Upon Leaving South Orange-Maplewood Board of Ed
“Again, I ask: What is the power of a board? It is to ensure that the actions of bad actors do not stymie the progress of our school district. This also underscores the immense power of a school board: while we can support growth, we also have the potential to thwart progress. That is a sobering reality and a responsibility we must never take lightly.”
‘Thank You for Making Maplewood Home for Me’: Deputy Mayor Jamaine Cripe Says Farewell to Township Committee
Cripe thanked voters who “entrusted me with this role…I never in a million years thought a kid from Daytona Beach would have been doing things here in Maplewood, but you gave me a chance, and I appreciate the support, the criticism, the calls to to do the right thing, the challenges that have come with being in this role.”
ElectionGovernmentMaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
1st VP Arun Vadlamani’s Remarks on Exiting South Orange-Maplewood Board of Ed
“Public service is rewarding, and I strongly recommend it to everyone in our two towns. We can only improve when we all work together, especially for our children. I wish the best to the students, teachers, administrators, and the incoming and continuing board members. Parents, stay involved.”