Greenhouse Space Available to Maplewood Residents for 2020–21 Season; Applications Taken 9/10

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From Maplewood Garden Club:

Applications for rental space in the Rahner Greenhouse will be received in the Maplewood Municipal Building, 574 Valley St., on Thursday, September 10, from 6:00 pm until 7:00 pm. Spaces are available to Maplewood residents only, and only one space is allowed for each household. A sign-in sheet will be available in the meeting room at 4:00 pm, at which time applicants can put their name on the sheet and pick up an application. They must then leave Town Hall. Due to COVID 19 restrictions, no one will be allowed to wait in the meeting hall until applications are processed.

Applicants can return to the hall beginning at 5:45 pm for the allocation of spaces in the order in which they had signed in. Residents unable to sign in early may come any time between 6:00 and 7:00, sign in, and reserve a bench. The application form must be signed by the applicant and either accompanied by a check made out to “Township of Maplewood” in the amount of $30.00 or cash in the exact amount only. No change will be made. Be prepared to complete the application and submit the fee during the sign-up hour. Once in the meeting hall, always sit at least 6 feet apart and practice social distancing. PLEASE NOTE THAT NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED TO TOWN HALL WITHOUT A FACE COVERING.

For those unable to attend the town hall sign-up, a space can be rented by bringing a payment and an application in person to the Division of Public Works, 359 Boyden Ave., beginning Tuesday, September 15, at 12:00 pm. For more information, contact:

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